Thursday, November 22, 2007


November 22 2007
What do you do on a cool, rainy Wednesday evening in Panama? Glad you asked! You release endangered baby turtles into the Pacific Ocean. Cool or what????
There is a program here that takes vulnerable turtle eggs and keeps them safe until they hatch and are ready to be released. Unfortunately, the turtle population is dwindling. And humans are the main reason for this, second to dogs. Tortoise shell glasses, purses, shoes, some soaps and human consumption have caused environmentalists to take action. Naturally, only 8% of the turtles make it back to the ocean. Either the eggs are eaten or the turtles just don’t live after they are hatched. This hatch and release program allows for up to 99% of the turtles to return to the ocean. After that, their on their own. I think the other 1 % don't make it to the Ocean because the turtles blend into the sand and are tough to see. “Crunch” and “oops” are words that come to mind. Don’t worry, I don’t think that happened on this release.

My family along with 3 other families crammed into our vehicles and made our bumpy way south of Boquete and David to Los Olas beach where the release occurred. We arrived to find that a large crowd had already gathered. After a brief education on the plight of these creatures, and a request for a donation, we were asked to line up on the beach, facing the ocean, and wait for our baby turtle. We all received a little baby turtle and together we released them to make their way into the ocean. They seemed quite helpless hobbling towards the loud, dark Pacific. Many of them needed a little help as they were going in the wrong direction. Amazing to think these little creatures can grow to be as big as 900 lbs!

Syd and little "Crush"

After they all made it safe into the big blue, we had a picnic and got eaten alive by mosquitoes. It was an incredible experience, and such great fun shared with a group of terrific people. Jenni, thanks for the invite. Alayna, thanks for the story of Zion’s birth. You had me in stitches the entire drive!!!

Josh and "Little Jerry"


1 comment:

Sonia said...

Wow, unbelievable, I feel like i'm taking history classes by reading your blog. I'm so jealous. Release one of those turtles for me would ya! Love you guys.