Wednesday, April 16, 2008


It has been exactly 2 weeks since we arrived home from Panama. The kids have gotten right back into school and are doing well. A few times tey have mentioned how they wish they could sleep in and stay in their P.J.'s. I feel the same way. Since being home we have done our taxes, went through the mountain of mail, answered our voicemails, updated bank accounts, traveled through a snow storm and had lots of coffeee and supper with friends and their children. We have all felt very loved. We were so warmly welcomed home at Glendale, WKC, ACH and in our neighbourhood. Wow, what love we have felt. Thanks. I am back working almost full time hours at the hospital while Paul plays Mr. Mom for a while. We still have no definate plans for our future so,,,,,,,,,, stay tuned as we continue our adventure.

Until I blog again.


4 comments: said...

SO glad you are home. And so happy to see you updated the blog! You have to keep it going for your faithful readers! :-)

Mark Crocker said...

now you will have to head out here to the island to get your ocean fix (albeit colder) ... welcome home!

Sonia said...

I too am soooo glad you're home. I'd loved seeing you all today. You are family to us. Thanks for bringing the supplies for Will's hand. Love ya.

AlisonVeritas said...

Hi linda,
So glad to hear you are home safely. I loved following your exciting adventure. It sounds like you guys are busy busy, but if you're free for a bbq or something, let me know, we'd love to catch up.