Sunday, May 24, 2009


We had a very significant birthday celebration here, Joshua turned 10 years old. It is simply amazing to me how quickly the time goes. Below are a few shots of his special week-long celebration. We do birthdays big. The birthday person gets to decide the menu for the day. Josh chose the following: Breakfast in bed, pancakes with smarties, BLT's for lunch and sweet and sour meatballs with brocolli salad for supper!
Breakfast in bed. Nothing but the best for my son! Note his t-shirt!
Now, Josh really wanted to go paintballing with a few friends for his birthday. He has been asking to do this since we moved here. It was decided that turning 10 was a good reason to do this activity. He was so pumped about it, his heart rate was 98 beats per minute the night before he went!
Days later and the boys are still talking about how awesome paintballing was. We did have a small damper on this event. We noticed that a few paintballs had hit the cars parked outside the tented and designated paintball area. My friend Tammy, unfortunately stopped a paintball with her eye socket. After vigourously irrigating her eye with clean, cool water, we loaded Tammy up and went in search of an opthomologist. This proved to be a challenge. We went to 3 different offices and no doctor. I finally called my friendly hospital director in David and said we need an opthamologist, pronto. After numerous phone calls we finally secured an appointment for 3pm that day and had her checked out in David. No corneal cuts, no retinal detachments, no bleeding. Thank God she had her glasses on, I think they took the brunt of the pressure. Believe it or not, no black eye and her glasses are still in once piece.
Josh and his peeps
The kids are loaded on cake and pop, so taking this picture was a bit of a challenge.
Until I blog again.

1 comment:

Meet the Flemings! said...

Happy Birthday Josh! WOW 10! YIKES it goes fast!