Monday, September 7, 2009


I have been complaining about the couches we have in our rental house. Finally after 9 months of trying to be thankful in all things, including couches that give me sciatic pain, I could stand it no more. I tried to be grateful, but I am just not that spiritual. I told Paul I really wanted new couches so the kids and I could cuddle while reading or watching TV. We also have lots people over for supper. I love having people lounge around my place chatting, but the couches we had were not comfortable and the pillows kept slipping. Paul, being the wonderful husband he is, gave me the go a head to get couches. This was a big decision, we do not have a regular income and this was going to be a big bill.
Finding couches here in Panama is a challenge. I either found something that was "OK" for $700-1200, or something I really liked, but didn't love for $2000. I just could not spend that much money on something I did not love. I decided to get a custom couch built. A brave thing to do. I drew a picture of what I wanted complete with measurements, took pictures of a couch that was similar to the one I wanted and headed off to David to see who I could find to make this couch. I managed to find a fabric store that had a guy who told me "no problemo Linda" when asked if he could make me this couch. I got a quote 3 hours later and gave "Jose" the go ahead to make the couch. Simple enough, no? But wait. I had to go into the store to show him which fabric I wanted. A beautiful chocolate micro fibre fabric called my name. A day later I get a call, not enough fabric. I ask if he could order some. Jose says no. I ask if he could call Panama City to see if another store might have some extra fabric, he says no. I ask if there is another fabric store here in David he could call, he says no. I ask where the other fabric stores are so I can go and look for myself, and he tells me how will not do the job unless I use his fabric from his store. I am thinking "Work with me man!" and he doesn't seem to be wanting the business, so I cancel the job. What to do. I suppose I could go to Panama City, but then I would have to factor the cost of travel, transport of me and a couch and hotel into the cost. That adds up. I think about it for a few days and decide to go a head with the couch from Jose, I will do 2 separate fabrics, same color, different texture. Not ideal, but I live in Central America, I have really lowered my expectations and I really want something comfortable to sit on. I go back to the store. Jose sees me and rolls his eyes. Not sure what that was about. I speak with Jose and chose a second fabric to make the back cushions with. I give Jose a deposit of 1/2 the cost and I leave feeling nervous, concerned and even a bit confused about the rolling eyes.
3 days later I get a call. Amazingly Jose has found more material, do I want the entire couch in the same fabric I originally wanted. "SI!" I scream. He tells me it will be ready in a few days.
Sure enough, a few days later, I get the call. The couch is ready. We arrange for pick up with a friends truck for the next day. The next day Paul and I are driven to a huge warehouse that looks like a cemetery for dead furnishings. But there in the corner is my couch. The only thing that is intact in this place. It looks nice from a far. We walk closer, not bad, then closer. We notice a few things that need to be fixed, "No problemo Linda" We load up the couches, minus a cushion that needs to be fixed and head home. We call the kids and tell them to open the gate as we pull into our street, well our gravel road, because the rains start falling. We unload the couches, which are incredibly heavy and realize we might not be able to get them into the house. We measure and hum and haw, and finally twist, and squish and push them through the door. I am feeling like these couches are getting in if I have to rip out the door jam out myself. We set them up and realize they are high, I mean really high. 25 inches high. The kids have to run and jump to get up on them, and I have tall children. Both Paul and my feet do not touch the ground when we sit on it! This is a problem, we have short friends. I had asked for 18-20 inches in height, but I did not write it on the paper I gave Jose. That was a mistake. We also notice a few other discrepancies. The couch does not have any 90 degree angles. Everything is just a bit off, but it is a solid structure.

The next day we load up the pillows and ask Jose to take 2 1/2 inches of height off the cushions. We replace the feet with shorter feet which lowers it a bit more. We pick up the altered cushions yet again and bring them home. The height is way better, then we notice this:

The cushions are way off. At least the height is great now. We are getting close to a properly finished product. Another trip to David, loaded with photos, measurements and even video. We bring the cushions home after a third alteration. Still not quite right. Now, only one cushion needs to be made around 1 inch smaller. Another trip is planned this week. So we really have a custom couch. There is not a couch like this in the entire world.

Are you exhausted from reading this? People ask me how I spend my free time. This gives you a glimpse into how something that should be simple is not. Living in Panama is usually really great, that is until you try to get something done.

Please don't ask me about our car repair from the accident I had in May. We are still driving a car that is being held together with duct tape and has a huge dent on one side. We are waiting for the other insurance company to pay for the repairs. When or even if it happens, who knows. Ah the day in the life of the Days.

Until I blog again.


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