Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I have been thinking, I really need to get blogging. It has been a while since my last entry. I was thinking that nothing exciting has really happened as life has gotten into a little routine. I was talking with Sonia (friend from Calgary) the other day and she asked me what I was up to. I very nonchalantly said, "just hanging laundry on the line." I heard a heartfelt sigh on the other end. Got me thinking maybe my routine might be of some interest to you. First, I must say. My heart goes out to those of you who have been stuck inside for a few days because of the crazy winter weather hitting so many back in the Great White North. Second, feeling empathetic about your situation, I have downloaded some pictures to give you an idea of what we've been up to lately.

Paul teaching music class to the kids in our homeschooling room

Our friend, Mahlin, demonstrating our version of a juice box.

Kids at gymnastic class.

Our favorite place to cool off, complete with rope swing, climbing rocks and a waterfall.

The kids enjoying water melon to cool off - followed by - Syd and Josh B playing watermelon baseball. Can you see the rind mid air?

Syd and Josh decorating our tree

Syd and Alayna show off new shirts made by Alayna's great-grand mother - delivered from the U.S. by Alayna's Grandma, Judy.

Josh during science class - experimenting with his trebuchet.

Days tailgating with the Bliss' at a local dirt bike race track.

Josh taking his Mama quading.

I will close with this final picture. Not a great shot, but an interesting "Panama" story. Yesterday, a green Union Fenosa (electric company) pick-up drove up to house. We greeted the "visitors" only to realize that they had arrived to cut off our power. Apparently, the electrical bill hadn't been paid in 3 months. Please realize, it took a little while to get this information as the workers spoke no English and Paul, well, its a steep learning curve. After some incredible hand gesturing and head nodding we clued in! Electricity is included in our rental contract - so it was the landowners responsibility. Also note - we have only been in the house for 3 weeks! After calling our broker and negotiating a deal (we pay now, decrease next month's rent by the same amount) Paul begged the Union workers not to cut our power and negotiated a one hour grace period to rush downtown Boquete to pay off the bill right away. Paul drove away and payed the bill. Today, our landlord dropped by to apologize profusely and reimburse us the full amount. All is good today in Panama. Who knows what tomorrow will bring!

Until I blog again - have an incredible Christmas Season,


1 comment:

www.erinkelly.ca said...

Syd...i love your "whack-a-melon" game! Looks like fun.

So lovely to have an update from you.