Thursday, February 26, 2009


One thing about stepping outside the box is that you really get to know yourself. This morning, I was reminded one more time of a lesson I obviously haven't learned since it keeps creeping up on me - being content, thankful, and at peace in all things. I've written about how our couches and kitchen table and chairs are daily reminders of this lesson. By the way, we are still eating around the coffee table and sitting on the floor. Our kids love it. Our 6'6"guest, last night...not so much! (Sorry, Dan). As I got dressed this morning, once again, I was reminded of how superficial I can be. Please bear with me.

When we moved here, we each had one suitcase to fill with clothes and personal items. So these items were chosen with great care. My torso, arms and legs are very long. So finding clothes that fit can be a challenge, even in Calgary. (Thank you, Jacob, for your long fitting T-shirts!). I went through my shirts this morning and discovered that 7 of the 10 I brought have holes right at the belly button level. At first I thought, moths. But the holes were all in the exact same location on every shirt. The Team of Women Surviving-Thriving in Panama (or TTWS-TP) think the little holes may be from the dish soap we all use here.

The dish soap comes in a round plastic container in the form of a hard puck. (See photo below). You put water on a sponge, rub the top of the soap with the wet sponge, and wash your dishes. I think this is very popular here because it washes dishes well in cold water. Most people do not have hot water taps at the kitchen sink. Anyways, you'd think I could go out and buy new shirts. Not so. All the shirts here fit like tank tops on me. So, as I stood before my mirror this morning putting on my favorite holey turquoise shirt, I am challenged one more time to be thankful in all things.


Forgive me for my pettiness and superficial revelation! This blog entry was more of a vent for me.

Until I blog again.


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