Sunday, February 22, 2009


Here are a few more pictures I thought you all may enjoy! Our Internet is speedy again thanks to Jose and Emmanuel who came by 2 days ago and serviced our Internet.

This is a flower arrangement Syd put together. All the flowers are from Lynda and Ken N's garden. Syd love to go there and put a new creation together.

One thing I just love here is there is always something in bloom. This tree is huge and has bright mustard colored flowers. They are all over David. You can also see different vegetation growing on the branches. So beautiful.

This is a typical view from our driveway in the afternoon rains. Some days we have double rainbows. This picture does not do the colors of the rainbow justice.

Here is a picture of our lazy Sunday afternoons! Me, Macey, Maulin and Syd.
One thing about living in a place with not much entertainment is that the kids become very creative. This "fort" was built by a bunch of kids after church one Sunday. Pretty cool! They played for hours.

This little restaurant serves a big plate of rice, salad, beans, plantains, and either chick, fish or meat (depending on the day) all for $1.75. Can't beat the price! Paul, Ken and Lynda enjoy a quiet lunch.

I am on a roll, Internet is really fast. Better blog some more entries.
Until I blog again.

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