Thursday, October 22, 2009


You know you are due to blog when you forget your blogspot password. It has almost been a full month since I last updated, for that I am sorry. Life really hasn't been very busy, so I have no excuse besides I didn't feel like it and I was feeling a little lonely and sad. No one wants to read a sad blog!

I have officially pulled both kids out of the Spanish school they were in this year. My decision point to do this came when my beloved son asked me "Mom, please tell me why you feel you need to keep us in the school." I paused and starting saying all the right things: good to finish things, tough lessons help you appreciate life, if you stick it out maybe you will make some friends. As I listened to myself, I realized I didn't even believe what I was saying. One core value we hold to firmly is truth telling. The kids were there for 7 months, and hated almost every minute. The turning point also came when Syd was being made fun of because of her eczema and she was crying. The teacher told her to stop crying and smarten up. Needless to say, that was Syd's last day! So at the moment, the children are starting grade 5 and 7 with me and are taking private Spanish classes with a high energy and fun-loving Argentinian called Maria. Today they will be baking and need to explain in Spanish how to bake whatever they are bring. Already, in one day at a private class, they have learned more Spanish then in the other school. Josh asked if he could burn his uniform. I think it is a great idea, except, I know a few boys who could use the pants. I know, way too practical. Maybe we could burn a book or two.

As some of you have heard, Syd is having a tough time with her eczema. A few pretty bad flare ups. At the moment, she is only eating fish, eggs, chicken and veggies. She is on week 6 of this. We are dealing with the root of her eczema, the gut. We have a doctor of nutrition here in Panama City who is helping us sort through this. Such a learning experience for me. It is so hard to resist the urge to slap on the meds for a quick fix. She has chosen to heal naturally, from the inside out. I come from such a medication, quick fix background, that this has been a learning experience for me as well. Please pray for Syd. She has had her tough days. Who am I kidding, who doesn't. The other day I walked out of the home schooling room. I was so frustrated, I had had it. I guess I must have had a look on my face because Paul followed me outside and asked if I was coming back. Of coarse, I always come back! All I needed was a good walk with the dog, space by myself and a cup of coffee

Rainy season has hit full force. Translation: heavy rains and fog for days at a time, mud everywhere,green everywhere, cooler temperatures, meaning mid 60's so the sweaters and extra blankets get pulled out. I know, poor me! This morning I woke up to glorious sunshine and clear skies. Many times I don't appreciate things until they are gone, like the sunshine, like a normal day.

Saying that, I received some shocking news last Friday. A friend of mine, Shannon Bow, age 31, suffered a major stroke. Shannon went to Zambia with me Jan 2006. The most vivid memory I have of her is of her leaning out the bus window, right up to her waist, waving and saying "Hi "to all the children we passed. Her smile was so huge, her face hurt that night. At this point she is in the hospital in stable condition, but will have a long recovery ahead of her. Her story is being blogged by Leisa at for those who know her.

Really, my life is pretty routined, and I appreciate a normal day where I will chose to enjoy mopping the muddy footprints from my white tile floor! I chose to thank God for a roof that doesn't leak, for time with Paul and my children, for a full belly, for a sweater I can pull on when I get cold.

"Be thankful in all things."

Until I blog again.



Kelly said...

Two of my kids also have eczema, although its much better now we changed our diet (helped my asthma too!)
So interesting that you guys have chosen to treat it inside out.
Good luck on your journey :)

Meet the Flemings! said...

Poor Syd! Thinking about you and hoping it heals quickly.

Elizabeth Ballard, M.S. said...

I remember when each week I would ask William: "Do you want me to pull you out of school?" And for six full months at Pio XII he said, "No Mom, I can handle it." Then one day he said "Mom, I'm changing inside from being at this school." That was the last time he saw the inside of THAT place! So far, so good at Guadalupano. But we will see, and I still check in with him.

Poor Syd on that exema. I remember weekly allergy shots, missing school, being teased, for allergies. Praying this will pass SOON. Eliza