We had a quiet Christmas. We were going to go to the beach on Christmas Day (something you can't do back home in Canada); however Josh came down with a fever and slept for about 18 hours. We knew something wasn’t right when he decided to go to bed rather than make his new Lego. We still have no idea what was wrong because he was just great the next day. So we headed to the beach to celebrate Boxing Day instead. It was beautiful to walk the sand, look at shells and play football. It was a very mellow and relaxing day.
Syd was thrillled to get a box full of craft supplies to decorate her room!
Josh also thrilled with his Christmas gift
On the 29th, our family along with the Bliss family, headed out for a little adventure. Steve Bliss invited us to walk a piece of land he is thinking of buying. Well, this “little” piece of land turned out to be quite large and raw. More than 20 hectares and quite over grown. There I was, with a machete in one hand cutting through dense brush, and an umbrella in the other to protect from the scorching sun. Very classy. The hike ended up taking longer than we thought (around 4 hours). And anyone who knows Josh knows he not a huge fan of these kind of outdoor challenges. Along the way we got charged a couple times by 2 horses (a momma and baby), got lost, found a great stream, killed 3 tarantulas and got eaten alive by red ants. Josh was loving it! Not. I bet the locals thought we were “loco” as all 10 of us (6 children, 4 adults) climbed over the rock fence (that bordered the property) screaming with elation, so happy to finally see our cars. Some of us were crying for various reasons. We all were sweaty, covered in thistles, thirsty, tired, and hungry, and most of us were bleeding somewhere on our bodies! After rinsing cuts and scrapes with clean water, we all enjoyed a refreshing can of cold ginger ale from a local Ma and Pop shop. Then the Days and the Bliss' went our separate ways and headed back home to tend our wounds and fill our stomachs. Paul and I looked at each other and said “We won’t be doing that again until the kids have left home.”
The horses before they got cranky!
The kids getting a much deserved rest at the river at the back of the property
Paul at the river. Look at that vine behind him!
Despite the fact we had just lived through "hell" as one of the kids called it, three hours later, in an act of complete denial, we packed overnight bags and headed to a Jesuit Mission in St Felix with the Bliss family to participate in yet another hike, this time, up a mountain range in the Comarca, home to the Ngobe-Bugle Indians. St. Felix is a 1 hour drive west of David. Paul had tried to arrange a trip into the Comarca for Christmas Day. But things came together for us to go on the 29th.
We arrived at the mission after supper on the 29th. All 10 of us shared one room full of bunk beds. Between snores, smacking, heavy breathing, whistling and talking, not much sleep happened. After breakfast at the mission we headed out in an entourage of 4x4 trucks. The road to the Comarca was primitive and incredibly steep with no lights or guard rails. Its not passable during or after rain. Fortunately, it had been dry for a couple days. Apparently, the present Government has done a lot to created passable roads and infrastructure. I'll bet the road was around a 60 degree angle at times. YIKES! We drove about 45 minutes to our destination. When we arrived we helped unload the donations for a large faith gathering to happen the next day (e.g. food, plastic mattresses, toys). After playing soccer, baseball, climbing trees and visiting with some local families, a great lunch was cooked on an open fire. Then we packed up the group and headed up the mountain for a “30 minute walk” to visit a local family. Well, the 30 minutes might have been possible for the locals, but it translated into an hour for us "out of shape white folk”. It was a bit embarrassing. We all wore hiking shoes, and the locals are floating by us, not short of breath at all, walking in flip flops! It was quite a steep hike and very hot and sunny. Our children did not complain...too much. (The "family briefing" following the disaster of the previous day's hike proved effective). At our destiation we met a family with 3 daughters. One daughter, age 15, suffers from cerebral palsy and is in a wheel chair. I bet she has never been off the mountain. Her face lit up when she saw us. I was able teach her family some range of motion exercises and massage to help relieve the severe spasms she suffered from. What was really cool was that my children saw this and I think they now have a better understanding of what I do in Zambia. After letting the family know what great care they were giving their daughter, we headed back down the mountain, which took about 30 minutes. Its a bit easier and faster going down hill. The vistas were just breath taking. Then were on our way home. It was a great way to celebrate Sunday and enjoy God’s creation.
One of the many beautiful vistas
Driving home we were all very quiet, tired no doubt, but all very thankful for the chance to be reminded of all the great blessings in our lives. As we headed home a flock of white birds that moved like a school of fish swooped down and flew parallel to our car. They were so close and it felt like we were part of their group. It was a spectacular way to end and pretty awesome day.
The next day, New Years Eve, Jenny Bliss and I somehow ended up making dinner for 15 people at the Mission. Paul and Steve returned to the Mission earlier in the day to stake out the perimeter of a new building that Steve had designed for the Mission accommodations. Then Jenny and I brought the kids out for the afternoon. We visited with an American couple and Father Adonia (director of the mission). We got home late, and at midnight all of Boquete was aglow with fireworks. It seemed like every household had its own show that lasted about 30 minutes. At one point there were more than 30 locations in the Boquete valley shooting off fireworks (they're legal here). The people here sure know how to celebrate! Paul and I watched for a bit than fell into bed, exhausted, happy and wondering where 2008 will lead us. Stay tuned...
Our next blog will be about our trip to Costa Rica and the border crossing that threatened to never end!
boy you certainly have done a lot. it was nice seeing pictures of Syd and Josh and how big they are getting. Sure do miss you guys and am looking forward to seeing you again in the near future....hopefully. love ya lots,
Hi Friends!!! I just found your amazing blog. I think I read all the posts from the last 8 months or so. I'm so glad to hear that things are going well. Sounds like an incredible adventure. You all look amazing. I love Syd's hair cut. So cute. I pray life turns out to be as big of an adventure for us. I'll be checking regularly now! yay.
Much love
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