Saturday, April 4, 2009


I have to tell you about the beetles. This entry is not for those of you who have a weak stomach or are deathly afraid of bugs.

It seems like rainy season has started. The rains come in late afternoon, then creep up, earlier and earlier everyday, until Oct, when it rains almost all day. Ah, life in the rain forrest. The late afternoon rains started this tuesday. The seasons switch very quickly here. With the rains, beetles have been pushed up out of the ground and show up in droves to visit us. Lovely. Two nights ago Syd screamed, I ran upstairs and beetles were coming in under the crack of the door, 4-6 at a time, one row after the another. Gross!!!! Josh and I turned out all the lights and headed out to the balcony with the broom, bleach and a hammer. We were quite a sight. We opened the door and there were at least a hundred beetles hanging out. Big, black, beetles. I started spraying the periphery with bleach, and Josh started hitting them with the hammer, then sweep them away. They make the sound of a peanut shell being cracked when they are squished with a hammer and ooze a cream-colored filling. I just got a wave of nausea and a chill up my spine. Sorry to those who have weak stomachs, but you were warned. These bugs are completely harmless, even a little dumb. They fly into walls and knock themselves out or land on their backs and can't get turned over. I should have video taped it, but I was too focus saving Syd from "The Attack of the Beetles." That was the worst night, only 5 beetles last night, so we are heading in the right direction. Apparently this will last for 2 weeks according to Abner, my friendly, partly english speaking, hardware store guy. He tolds me beetle in spanish was "becho". I have also been told "escarabajo" so who knows. Me no gusta no matter what they are called.

I just e mailed a friend in Costa Rica, and she said the same thing is happening there. The thing is , she has 16 month old twins who like to pick the beetles up and explore them with their mouths. Now there is a blog/horror movie title: "The Beetles and the Babies."

I will try and get a picture of the beetles today so I can post it with this entry.
Until I blog again.

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