Saturday, March 28, 2009


Hey everybody. Its been a while. My bad. I've had a few things on the go that have been keeping me busy. I'll try to bring you up to speed on some of that stuff in a later post. For now, I thought I'd share with you an experience I had yesterday.

I just returned (this morning) from a trip to the Caribbean coast. The humanitarian group I am part of (Dead Wheat international Foundation) gathered in Belen - a remote town on the mouth of Rio Belen on the Caribbean - along with local & national politicians, investors and local business leaders, to meet with Mr Martinelli (likely next President of Panama) and members of his leadership team to discuss plans of development for the area. Our interests - as a humanitarian group - is to exercise our influence and offer our skills to ensure that the development occurs in a manner that respects and protects the interests of the people. We flew by (the Duran Coffee) helicopter from Panama City as Belen is only accessible by air or water. Riding in the chopper was very cool. I shot some footage of us leaving Belen. Check it out.




Unknown said...

Why is it that when you are in a helicopter the ocean is calm, but when you are in a small boat, the ocean is like "The Perfect Storm"?

G.W.B. said...

The video footage really helps makes make the blog posts real and relevant. Very interesting stuff.