Sunday, November 23, 2008


We have had an interesting time here. Sorry I haven't blogged much. I know not many photos on our blog either. Once we have a quicker internet connection I will make up for it. Once we get a home secured, I can get you all up to speed on the last 2 weeks here. Here are 2 interesting things that have happened to us this past week;

A few days ago we were woken at around 2 AM by an 4.3 earthquake. The epicenter was approximately 45 km from where we are staying. It was a quick one, maybe 15 seconds. No damage in our place. It did remind me of the North Ridge quake of 1993 in Pasadena. A few people had plates and vases break, but no major damage or injuries.

Yesterday we had tons of rain. The Caldera River is a river that runs through the center of the town of Boquete . It was raging and widened to around 3 times its regular width. One bridge, the one we used to have to drive over to get to the house we lived in last year was wipped out. A few homes were destroyed as well. We are living at the moment in our third temporary home just outside Boquete on a much higher elevation, therefore, we had no issues with flood damage. We did prepare a little; stock up on candles, food, charged our phones and computers and tanked up our car. It is called kicking into survival mode.

Today is Sunday. Our church group has been canceled as it was to be hosted at a home that now cannot be accessed because the only bridge connecting it with the village is unstable. Josh is still fighting his cold, so he and I are home. Syd and Paul headed into town to see if they can do anything; Deliver water, food, remove debris. Below is the link to some incredible photos of the flooding.

Things like this make me feel so silly about being so ubset about not securing a home. Bigger picture Lin.

Until I blog again.

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