Wednesday, October 3, 2007


We have finally rented our home (whew!). Talk about an 11th hour intervention. Although its only for the fall (Oct/07-Dec/07), we are so happy to be able to rent to some friends of ours. Additionally, we are also extremely grateful that one of our other friends (the only other one) will be operating as our managing agent while we're out of the country. Wanta know who? Clue: its someone in one of the pictures shown in the Last Suppers entry.

Heh, while I've got your attention, if you hear of anyone looking to rent a fully furnished home from January, 1/08 to March 31/08 or even April 30/08, we'd appreciate you emailing us or giving the interested party our contact info ( Thanks.

Well, at this point in our journey I think I can say two things for sure. One, learning to trust God and let go, ain't always easy, but its worth it. As one friend said to me yesterday, "yeah, good luck with that". And two, we've got a lot of learning to do. Yeah!!!

Stick around to see how we do.


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