Thursday, October 4, 2007


Today was truly a day of farewells for Mr Cochrane's Grade 5 class. Not only was today the last day for Sydney, but also for one of her best friends, Megan. So it was a double wammy. We wish Megan and her family all the best as they head off to Ontario. Here's some pics from the party.

Sydney and Megan had already informed the class about their plans, so it was pretty much straight into the celebration, Grade 5 style. Chocolate cake, ice cream bars and popcorn. Kids and chocolate. At 1:30pm. I said a few "Our Father's" for Mr Cochrane and the teaching team.
Sydney and Megan handled out the goods.

After managing to get the class settled, Mr Cochrane asked the class if they had any specific memories of experiences with Sydney and Megan. It was actually quite entertaining.

Then it was time to strike a pose.

And of course, you've got to have one where everyone is screaming. After all, it is Grade 5.

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